Plight of the Stolen Guitar

Plight of the stolen guitar…. Years ago I had a guitar that had the signatures of my favorite songwriters. Four I had already, one I had left to get. The four were Nicole Nordeman, Patty Griffin, Shawn Colvin, and Kim Richey. I also wanted to get Mary Chapin Carpenter. These songwriters helped shape me as…

Greenwood’s Black Wall Street and the Tulsa Race Massacre

Billowing clouds of smoke cover the sky. The world is on fire. Imagine, your entire neighborhood and business lit up. Imagine seeing your friends charred, lying on the street, only you don’t know it’s them because they are unrecognizable. Imagine, a line of you and your neighbors with your hands held, being held up by…

The American Spirit, An Identity Crisis

Today is the fourth of July. In America, it’s our most sacred patriotic holiday. It’s a time we come together and celebrate our union as a country. It’s a union of 50 states and 5 territories. It’s a union of over 327 million people¹ with diverse family backgrounds, faiths, and political beliefs. All make up…

Start with Why ~ Book of the Week

In this week’s book of the week, Start with Why, Simon Sinek maintains, “Great leaders are those who trust their gut. They are those who understand the art before the science. They win hearts before minds.”¹ Think about major decisions your life and why you made them. Where to live, your spouse or significant person in your…

Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders? ~ Book of the Week

Yes. I went there. So, this title is definitely loaded isn’t it? It’s written by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, a psychologist brave enough to tackle this tough topic. Using his doctoral background and research, he’s gone into the murky waters of why men tend to get chosen for leadership positions over women, and how incompetent men are…

The Path of Dreams

These past few weeks something has really been stirring inside me. It’s been a dream. We all have dreams that we’re given. That’s my firm belief. Something that we were meant to do. But so many times in this idea of dreaming, we get caught in what that selfie-snap shot should look like to others…

“Find Your Way” by Carly Fiorina ~ Book of the Week

This week’s book of the week is “Find Your Way” by Carly Fiorina. I’ve been a fan of Carly for close to 20 years now. Past CEO of Hewlett Packard and a Republican nominee in 2016, she was one of the few (if not only) that could go toe to toe with Donald Trump on…

There Are No Bad Teams, Only Bad Leaders

Upon my quest for reading a book a week, I came across this quote while listening to the audible book Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin. “…one of the most fundamental and important truths at the heart of Extreme Ownership: there are no bad teams, only bad leaders.”¹ Wow. If that doesn’t push…

Belief, Essential for Results

Belief. Any mention of it on an article or on social media is usually coupled with a cheesy quote meant to give you a tingling “aha moment” plastered with a beautiful picture in the background. This isn’t that article. Most of you probably have some sort of understanding on the importance of belief. Without it…

Extreme Ownership ~ Book of the Week

I’ll be completely upfront. This book was a hard one for me this week for a few reasons. Even though the title drew me in because the name, “Extreme Ownership”one of the things I have struggled with in the past is taking ownership of things that were not mine to take. One of the books…