Why People Leave Their Jobs (It’s Not What You Think)

Why People Leave Their Jobs Why do most people leave their jobs? If you’ve been asked this question before, then you might have heard a few different answers, such as more money or because of their boss. Both of these answers, even though talked about equally are usually not the case. This week’s book of the…

23 Questions Great Leaders Ask

This past week we’ve been reading Boundaries for Leaders by Dr. Henry Cloud. When I came across these list of questions for yourself, your team, your direct reports, the vision and strategy, and for the culture I knew I had to share it. I encourage you to even print it out and post it near…

What’s “Really” in Your Way?

We all have goals, dreams, and aspirations. Some are big. Some are small. When you look into that wide-eyed place we call the future, what do you see? On a scale of one to ten how hopeful are you in getting there? One as in your in a deep hole of depression, that doesn’t even…

The 3 Keys to Focused Leadership

This week’s book of the week is Boundaries for Leaders by Dr. Henry Cloud. More than likely if you are a leader you are very aware of boundaries. You are aware of boundaries that are kept and boundaries that are broken. What you may not think about is all the different types of boundaries that…

Boundaries for Leaders by Dr. Henry Cloud ~Wednesday’s Book of the Week

This week’s book of the week is Boundaries for Leaders by Dr. Henry Cloud. About a year ago I read the original book titled just, Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud. That book really helped me tremendously with seeing boundaries that I didn’t realize I wasn’t setting in my personal life. Just recently I found the Boundaries for…

The Last Dysfunction of a Team

This week’s book of the week is The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni. The first four dysfunctions of team discussed in the last two articles (Wednesday’s Book of the Week and Three Core Dysfunctions of a Team) were absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, and inattention to results. The final…

Three Core Dysfunctions of a Team

Yesterday we talked about absence of trust as the first dysfunction of a team. Patrick Lencioni places the five dysfunctions in a a pyramid with absence of trust at the bottom of that pyramid. It is also the foundation for the remaining four dysfunctions. Absence of trust in an organization is recognized by invulnerability. Today…

How Innovators Think Differently

So your family is ready to check you into the closest psych ward. You either actually need professional help or you’re an innovator. Innovators think differently. They see the world in a different light. Imagine the mad scientist on, the hero in silicon valley, or the weird musician or artist. Just the meer name “Innovator”…