Clarity of Values

So many companies these days have left me extremely disheartened when I see their values or  mission statement, hanging up in an expensive frame on the wall, never again be revisited. Many times the mission statement or value statement is extremely thought out, and the company not only misses the mark they don’t even strive to achieve it much less acknowledge it.

Brene Brown’s 5 Empathy Skills

The 5 Empathy Skills From Brene Brown’s new book Dare to Lead pg 143-149 To see the world as others see it, or perspective taking To be nonjudgemental To understand another person’s feelings To communicate your understanding of that person’s feelings Mindfulness (paying attention)  Today I was reading Brene Brown’s 5 empathy skills from her…

Empathy, not for Sissies

I usually think of myself as a pretty empathetic person. I’ve worked as a nurse for years in geriatrics. I always felt it was a passion of mine. Helping those who couldn’t help themselves or many times even speak up for themselves due to an illness is why I love geriatrics. Many times when I…

Shame off You

This week’s book of the week is Brene Brown’s Dare to Lead. Today I’ve been reading section 4 “Rumbling and Vulnerability”. Shame is never an easy read. And Brene’s books are like taking a swan dive into the internal hard stuff. Dare to Lead is no different. Today I decided to write about shame, because…

Dare to Lead by Brene Brown – Wednesday’s Book of the Week

Wednesday’s book of the week is Brene Brown’s Dare to Lead. A famous TED talk speaker with her talk on vulnerability reaching over 36 million views to-date. Her new book Dare to Lead is a combination of Daring Greatly and Rising Strong geared toward leaders at work. Being a big fan of Brene’s work already…

Why I Am No Longer a Republican

It’s been a couple years in the making… but I can no longer in good conscious be associated with a party that stands behind racism, sexism, and worst of all siting Christianity as it’s cause when the current present has no respect for women, people of other races or religious, and has been anything but Christian and especially not moral.

Being a Superhero

When I was 5 years old, I had finally made my decision of what I wanted to be when I grew up. Full of excitement, I enthusiastically ran to go tell my Mom. “Mom… I know what I want to be when I grow up.” “What?”, my Mom eagerly asked staring down at my small…